What happens after I've completed my profile?

From profile completion to verification and connection—here’s what to expect once your profile is ready.

Congratulations on completing your One Degree profile! Wondering what’s next? Let’s walk through the journey your profile takes from completion to making connections.

Profile verification

First up, our verification team will review your profile. This is to ensure that it meets all necessary vetting criteria and standards, a process we take seriously to maintain the quality and reliability of our platform. If you successfully meet the criteria and have completed your profile, you 

🗒️ Note: all users who sign up to One Degree will have their profiles vetted and validated to ensure they meet our required criteria of;

  • A tertiary level qualification or,
  • A minimum of three consecutive years of commercial experience in IT and/or Technology related roles.

Awaiting employer moves

Once verified, the ball is in the employer's court. Employers on our platform can search for jobseekers with skills and experience like yours and initiate contact. Simply sit back and let job opportunities that match your skills find you. 

Receiving messages

If an employer finds your profile matches their needs, they’ll reach out through our in-platform messaging system with a request to connect. You’ll receive an email notification to your One Degree inbox on the platform as well as a email notification to the email address you used at sign up.

The request to connect will include top line detail about the opportunity the company would like to connect on. Simply hit the 'I'm interested' button to open the two way chat to take the discussion further.