How do I complete my profile?

A quick guide to creating and completing your One Degree profile to become verified and visible to potential employers needing your skills.

Creating and completing your One Degree profile is key to maintaining visibility and relevance on One Degree. Whether you're adding new skills or adjusting your work preferences, adding and keeping your information up-to-date is simple.

Here’s a quick guide on how to create and complete your profile on One Degree.

Edit your details

Start by editing your main profile details. Select the pencil icon from your jobseeker dashboard and complete the required fields in the pop-up box. Simply add your first name, surname, current job title and current location. Remember to save your changes before moving on.

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Select your work preferences

This is a crucial step, so ensure you complete this step correctly. Completing your work preferences will help you to rank in Company searches based on the criteria you've included below. Be clear on your preferences: 

  • Confirm your availability or notice period
  • Select your preferred opportunity - are you interested in connecting with Companies about Permanent or Contract opportunities - or both? Select your preferred option from the drop down.  
  • What is your preferred workplace - do you prefer to work fully remotely, on-site, hybrid or open to any? Specifying this is essential for employers who may be looking to fill a vacancy where workplace type is a key component.
  • Based on your opportunity type selection, you'll need to include what your desired remuneration expectation is. 
    • If contractor - specify your desired rate per hour in South African Rand.
    • If permanent - specify your desired annual salary in South African Rand.
    • If you selected to be open to both contract and permanent opportunities, simply list both. 

 Select your work preferences

Add your work experience

Next up you want to list your work experience. It's crucial you list all your most recent and relevant experience, this will help add to the richness of your profile and provide hiring managers and companies with more detail when searching for specific job titles and skills.

  • Add your official job title.
  • The company you worked or contracted for.
  • The location of the company - include city and country here.
  • If you are adding a work experience where you are currently still based, simply swipe the toggle 'I currently work here' and you won't be required to add a 'end date'. 
  • Add your start and end day to give visibility to the length of the time in that role, where you can add the day, month and year for both

Add your work experience

Add your education and certifications

Be sure to list all your relevant education and certifications. From High School to Varsity, University and all qualifications and licenses acquired in your profession - list them all. This goes a long way to showcase your growth, skill development and investment in up-skilling. 

  • Add your qualification, for example: BSC in Information Technology.
  • Be specific about your qualification type - is it a certificate, diploma, degree, masters etc.
  • Add your graduation date to give visibility to the recency of your qualification. Where you can add the day, month and year.
  • List your institution name. 
  • If you are still completing your course or qualification, simple swipe the toggle 'I am currently completing this course' and no end date will be required.


Add your education and qualifications to profile

Add your industries

Next you want to add the top three industries in which you've worked in the most. This helps Companies to understand your sector experience. Whether it's Advisory, Banking and Finance, Technology or Marketing and Sales, select from the drop down to add to your profile. You can always revisit and update these as and when you need to. 

Add up to 15 industries


This is probably the most important section that you want to take your time to get right. The more skills you list the more you will appear in Company searches looking for your specific skills and experience.

Be specific and clear, if you work in a technical role, list the programming or software languages you're most proficient in. If you work with specific industry tools or platforms list these out and don't forget to add functional skills where you may manage cross-functional teams or manage data and reporting for business units. 

List all the skills you're proficient in


Finally, we have Companies using One Degree from across the globe, so if you speak more than one language be sure to list them here. 

Get your profile 

The goal is to get your status bar to be fully complete like the below. It will then be sent to the customer support team to review and push your profile to verified, so you're visible to companies. 


Profile completion status at 100%